CPR & AED / 心肺復甦法與自動心臟復甦機(AED)
全自動體外電擊器(Automated External Defibrillator, AED)生存之鏈包括儘早求救、儘早心肺復甦術、儘早去顫電擊及儘早高級醫療照護,而前三者現已歸類為基本心臟救命術(Basic Life Support),大部份突然心跳停止的病人(≧8歲),其起始的心律是心室顫動(VF),故理想目標是在5分鐘內儘速給予去顫電擊。
步驟1:打開電源開關 (Power on the AED)。
步驟2:貼上電擊片,插入導線 (Attach electrode pads)。
步驟3:分析心律 (Analyze the rhythm)。
步驟4:確定無人接觸病患,依機器指示電擊(Clear the victim and press the shock button)。
1. 小於8歲以下或體重小於25公斤病患不能使用。
2. 避免接觸水源,若胸部潮濕,須先擦乾再使用AED。
3. 若胸部有藥物貼片或胸部內裝有心律調節器或電擊器(Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, ICDs),則AED的電極片須貼在遠離上述器具至少2.5公分處。
4. 分析心律時,不可晃動病人,若在行駛的救護車上AED無法分析心律,須先將救護車停穩再行使用。
PAD (Public Access Defibrillator):在公共場所設置AED使大眾能及時拿到AED,這種公用的AED稱為PAD。
1. 每年1000個社區居民有大於1個居民發生心跳停止的比率即可考慮設置PAD。
2. 啟動EMS服務系統不能在5分鐘抵達急救現場即可考慮設置PAD。
3. 社區內有經過急救訓練的居民可在5分鐘內趕抵急救現場啟動EMS服務系統,有施予CPR及使用AED的能力,即可考慮設置PAD。
Place AEDs in public areas
While the professor is correct, this survival refers to victims who can still decide whether to seek treatment or not.
These victims would not have suffered a severe arrthymia (heart rhythm disturbance) called ventricular fibrillation.
If heart attack victims do suffer ventricular fibrillation (and the majority do), and if they are untreated immediately, they usually do not even survive the first few minutes.
In the condition of ventricular fibrillation, the heart quivers rather than beats, and is unable to pump blood to all parts of the body. This is called sudden cardiac arrest.
With no blood flow to the brain, death occurs in a matter of minutes. Survival is only in the order of 2%.
However, ventricular fibrillation can be treated if a device called an automated external defibrillator (AED) is used.
With this device, under optimal conditions where it can be applied within three minutes, survival has been shown to improve to almost 75%!
Wikipedia’s entry on acute myocardial infarction states:
“If an AED is available, the rescuer should immediately bring the AED to the patient’s side and be prepared to follow its instructions should the victim lose consciousness.”
AEDs are fully automated devices that, once applied to the chest of the victim, can deliver an electric shock to the heart to correct ventricular fibrillation.
If no ventricular fibrillation is detected, and a shock is thus not needed, it cannot be made to deliver the shock.
As such, AEDs can only help, and will not harm the victim.
Thus, lay responders need not fear harming any victim suspected of having sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation.
In the United States, there are laws to ensure that all federal buildings and public places with high pedestrian traffic flow (stadiums and airports), as well as all commercial airlines, have AEDs.
Sudden cardiac arrest can strike anybody, as shown by the untimely death of 22-year-old Spanish international footballer Antonio Puerta.
I propose that the Government installs AEDs at all government buildings with high pedestrian traffic flow, as well as legislate to have them in public places like airports, sports stadiums, and shopping malls.
Those private citizens who are at high risk of heart attacks, like those who have had a previous heart attack, or are diabetic, should also consider having one in their own homes.
Johor Baru.
香港心臟專科學院 自動心臟復甦機(AED)推廣計劃 (詳情)